As the COVID-19 situation grips the world, we're going the extra mile to make sure our gaming community stay safe and healthy!
Let’s start with your desk/room. We’re sure it’s your go to spot to practice social distancing from, right? If yes, be sure to keep it clean!
Here are some safety tips to help:
Wipe down your work station with a disinfectant solution (must contain at least 60% alcohol)
Wash your hands every hour (for at least 20 seconds)
Use a 60% alcohol-based sanitizer only when soap isn’t available
Avoid handshakes (keep a 1 meter or 3 feet distance from people)
Clean your smart phone often (again, use a 60% alcohol-based disinfectant)
Besides these tips, be sure to check out our Survival Kit at Dealbanana to help simplify and safeguard your life during these trying times.